Sunday, 5 August 2018


This post should have probably been the Gauntlet18 report...a rundown of the huge and epic and massively overly complicated game of Frostgrave... and I'll get round to it one day, but this hobby butterfly has seen something shiny...

The other week at the club, whilst my Orks were giving Phils Imperial Guard a good going over, I espied in the corner of the room, a game using tiddly little figures- Warmaster!  I'd long coveted this game that has been described as one of the best wargames ever written, and I already loved its cousins (Hail Ceaser, Black Powder and Pike and Shotte), and golly, did it look fun. So I decided I was in, and that I would collect Kislevites!  With the only slight hitch that they didnt make 'em anymore, I headed for ebay, took one look at the prices and headed for Pendraken Miniatures to buy a bunch of their Renaissance Polish!  And Whilst I was awaiting their arrival I started work on terrain!

Pretty much my entire terrain collection is for 28mm scale so I'd be starting from scratch and needing everything.  Firstly I went looking for buildings. Attempts to scratchbuild were unsatisfactory, so I turned to the internet and looked for the free stuff that could be downloaded.
 I found this castle :  which is very nice, and an easy build, and this model village   The buildings in the latter are a bit modern looking but I copied them into MS paint and modified them a bit before I printed them out.
A visit to the Works turned up 50 small fir trees for a mere £10 and all they needed was quick brush with green paint. I also remembered I had already bought one piece of terrain, many years ago with 10mm gaming in mind, and it was gather dust on a shelf. It was a model of an ancient ruined temple, bought whilst visiting the Parthenon on my honeymoon, for a mere 2 euros. This was given a scenic base and a coat of paint. A cardboard tube became a wizards tower, some foam board became some hills, and then the figures arrived, a small packet to see how things went, and enough to make a unit of Winged Hussars, 3 of Horse Archers, and 2 of Axemen. A Bear was found in the spares pile to provide a lancer with a mount. And thus in a mere 2 weeks I've produced a pile of terrain, and 600points or thereabouts of Kislevites, ready for battle. Reinforcements are already on their way...

After writing this I was looking for something to do with my day when I realised I didnt have a wizard!  Well there was only one thing for it...I would have to make one!


  1. excellent of the best wargames out there

  2. can you open up the follow button on your blog so I can track your progress please
