Recently I gave Warhammer another go- this time 6th edition with nowt more than the Ravening Hordes Supplement . We tried a lovely 3 way game with Empire V Skaven V Bretonnia, which turned out to surprisingly fun. I got shot to bits at first, stuck in the crossfire of the Skaven and Empire gunlines, but the Bretonnians were not dismayed (well, ok quite a lot of them ran away, but at least 2 werent dismayed!) and the last of my knights charged the length of the table scattering unit after unit or Ratscum and Imperial lacky, accounting for some 90 enemies! Two true Bretonnians! And with that we called it a draw...
But it seems there is desire for more- Ive been asked (or told ) to rewrite RH more to the groups taste...
Anyway, here we have the Inleigh Regiment. At phalanx17 I picked up a dozen broken Heroquest Henchmen, and a few Imperial figures for about a fiver. At Phalanx18 I finally found some suitable weapons for them! Would very much like a few more for this unit. The device is the Golden Rabbit of Inleigh, borrowed from the film "Watership Down"
Some BTD\Harlequin Orcs now, another command group, and a stone thrower! I like the stone thrower, and might get some more...
Aha! An Orc General on a Wyvern!
The Wyvern is classic Citadel lead picked up cheaply on ebay, but with a BTD\Harlequin Hero on top, cos I didn't like the citadel one, and it didn't fit my armies style. The one-legged stance is a bugger, there are a ridiculous number of bits of metal holding this thing up!
A knight! In order to play the aforementioned game of WHFB I had to paint another knight (cos it turned out I was bit short of knights!), and this is a proper oldhammer Bretonnian! More Knights for my Bretonnians are waiting for their turn on the painting table, and some of them are properly oldhammer!
GCPS Troopers! These chaps were a Xmas gift from the inlaws, and I decided to go with a fairly standard green and yellow camo scheme, and a less conventional blue skintone...Genetic Infantry perhaps...
Thanks for looking!